Diploma in Psychology at the University of Hamburg, Germany (1963)
Dr.rer.nat. (1966) and Habilitation (1971) at the Christian Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany
Professor of Psychology at the Universities Kiel (1973),
Düsseldorf (1974 - 1978) (chairman),
Aachen (1979 - 1982) (chairman),
and Göttingen (since 1982) (chairman)
Experimental psychology; Cognitive psychology: Problem solving; Memory: Working memory; Iconic memory. Language and language disturbance (aphasia); Eye movement research, visual perception and mental imagery; Word recognition in different writing systems (cross-cultural approach): Language and memory; Spatial cognition.
Georg Elias Müller
Institute of Psychology
University of Göttingen
Gosslerstr. 14
37073 Göttingen
phone: +49-551-39 36199
fax: +49-551-39 3662
Further Information:
Lüer G, Becker D, Lass U, Fang Y, Chen G & Wang Z (1998) Memory span in German and Chinese: Evidence for the phonological loop. European Psychologist 3: 102-112
Werner S, Saade Chr & Lüer G (1998) Relations between the mental representation of extrapersonal space and spatial behavior. In Chr. Freksa, Chr. Habel & K. F. Wender (Eds.), Spatial Cognition (Pp. 107-127). Berlin: Springer
Lass U, Fang Y, Chen G, Becker D & Lüer G (1999) Is memory for shapes subject to language-specific effects? An experimental study of memory span in German and Chinese subjects. - Zeitschrift für Sprache & Kognition 18: 136-145
Lass U, Lüer G, Becker D, Fang Y, Chen G & Wang Z (2000) Kurzzeitgedächtnisleistungen deutscher und chinesischer Probanden mit verbalen und figuralen Items: Zur Funktion von phonologischer Schleife und visuell-räumlichen Notizblock. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie 47: 77-88
Elsner N & Lüer G (Hrsg.) (2000) Das Gehirn und sein Geist. Göttingen: Wallstein
Kluwe R, Lüer G & Rösler F (Eds.) (2003) Principles of Human Learning and Memory. Basel: Birkhaeuser