Thomas Bayer
Professor of Molecular Psychiatry
1993 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (Prof. J.A. Campos-Ortega)
1993-1997 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Neuropathology (Prof. O. Wiestler), University of Bonn Medical Center, Bonn, Germany
1997-2002 Lab leader, Department of Psychiatry (Prof. P. Falkai), University of Bonn Medical Center, Bonn, Germany
2002-2007 Head of Neurobiology Lab, University of Saarland Medical Center, Homburg, Germany
2004 Appointment to apl Professor at the University Medical Center Saarland
2007-present W2 Professor in Molecular Psychiatry at the University Medicine Göttingen, Department of Psychiatry
Since 2006 Coordinator of the European Commission funded International Alzheimer PhD School «Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease mechanism, consequence and therapy» (NEURAD).
Thomas Bayer
Dept. of Psychiatry
Div. of Molecular Psychiatry
von-Siebold-Straße 5
37075 Göttingen
phone:+49-551-39 22912
fax:+49-551-39 10291
Further Information:
Dept. of Psychiatry
Bayer TA, Schäfer S, Simons A, Kemmling, Kamer T, Tepest R, Eckert A, Schüssel K, Eikenberg O, Sturchler-Pierrat, Abramowski D, Staufenbiel, Multhaup G (2003) Dietary Cu stabilizes brain SOD-1 activity and reduces amyloid Aß production in APP23 transgenic mice. PNAS: 100:14187-14192
Casas C, Sergeant N, Itier J-M, Blanchard V, Wirths O, van der Kolk N, Vingtdeux V, van de Steeg E, Ret G, Canton T, Drobecq H, Clark A, Bonici B, Delacourte A, Benavides J, Schmitz C, Tremp G, Bayer TA, Benoit P, Pradier L (2004) Massive CA1/2 neuronal loss with intraneuronal and N-terminal truncated Aß42 accumulation in a novel Alzheimer transgenic model. Am. J. Pathol. 165(4):1289-1300
Schmitz C, Rutten BPF, Pielen A, Schäfer S, Wirths O, Tremp G, Czech C, Blanchard V, Multhaup G, Korr H, Steinbusch HWM, Pradier L, Bayer TA (2004) Hippocampal neuron loss exceeds amyloid plaque load in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Am. J. Pathol. 164:1495-1502
Treiber C, Simons A, Strauss M, Hafner M, Cappai R, Bayer TA, Multhaup G (2004). Clioquinol Mediates Copper Uptake and Counteracts Copper Efflux Activities of the Amyloid Precursor Protein of Alzheimer's Disease. J. Biol. Chem. 279 (50):51958-51964
Kessler H, Pajonk F-G, Meisser P, Schneider-Axman T, Hoffmann K-H, Supprian T, Herrmann W, Obeid R, Multhaup G, Falkai P, Bayer TA (2006) Cerebrospinal fluid diagnostic markers correlate with lower plasma copper and ceruloplasmin in patients with Alzheimer's disease. J. Neural Transm. 113:1763-1769
Wirths O, Weis J, Kayed R, Saido T, Bayer TA (2007) Age-dependent axonal degeneration in an Alzheimer mouse model Neurobiol. Aging, 28 (2007) 1689'1699
Wirths O, Breyhan H, Schäfer S, Roth C, Bayer TA (2008) Deficits in working memory and motor performance in the APP/PS1ki mouse model for Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Aging 891-901
Christensen DZ, Flohr JCA, Kraus SL, Cotel M-C, Wirths O and Bayer TA (2008) Transient intraneuronal Aß (and not plaques) correlates with loss of frontal cortical neurons in APP/PS1KI mice. Acta Neuropathol. 116:647-655