The date for your 1st progress report (or Ph.D. seminar, respectively), is determined by the GGNB.
Anyhow, it might happen, that you for personal reasons want to postpone this obligatory date,
for example because of having started your project just a few months before your admission to the CSN and you just recently
had a meeting with your TC members in the context of your application / initial seminar.
In this case a deviance from the prescribed schedule is possible and you can informally apply for an exeption
(e-mail to the program speaker is sufficient).
But: Should one of your additional TC members not have been present at your application seminar, you should consider arranging an individual date with the respective person. This should be done in time to make sure, that there there are no early detectable problems with your project, your main advisor, or visits of GGNB courses etc.
Cave: A postponed first seminar / progress report does NOT influence the schedule of the following
progress reports - these have to take place according to the GGNB rules!!